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Imagine a unified workforce management solution that connects, enables, and engages your frontline staff.

Quay has extensive experience delivering complex workforce management transformation programs, working with some of Australia’s leading organisations to optimise how they manage, engage, and communicate with their teams.

We understand how important it is to engage your employees to achieve the return on your WFM transformation investment, particularly in adopting new processes and technologies that help your frontline staff manage their daily tasks, upskill, and stay engaged with your organisation.

We are partnering with WorkJam, a frontline digital workplace that provides unmatched capabilities to transform your frontline workforce experience, improving communication, engagement and optimisation opportunities.

Why WorkJam?

As an innovative, scalable, and modular platform, WorkJam offers:

  • Integration with most workforce management and HCM systems, for example, Kronos and Ceridian
  • Improved team communication and collaboration – 1:1 or one-to-many
  • Increased frontline productivity via digital task management
  • Enable shift optimisation via the Open Shift Marketplace
  • Effective engagement in training, upskilling, and compliance via mobile
  • Comprehensive administrative tools that support national and state-based labour regulations and awards
  • Lowered operating costs with a 410% ROI

Working with Quay and WorkJam

Quay brings more than 17 years of experience and cross-functional technical expertise in complex project delivery, change management, and governance in WFM transformation. We have delivered WFM transformation within retail, aged care, childcare, not-for-profit, retail groups, hospitality, and the arts across Australia and Asia Pacific.

As WorkJam implementation partners, Quay will work alongside WorkJam’s team to provide technical, WFM project and change management expertise to support your WFM and frontline engagement journey.

Talk to us about WorkJam

Talk to our WorkJam implementation consultants about transforming your frontline workforce management capability.