Undertaking programs and projects within any organisation brings with it a certain amount of risk, however if a program or project is set up properly, those risks can be managed and mitigated effectively through impartial assessment.

Assurance gives you the confidence of knowing that you are on track. Early intervention can prevent risks becoming significant issues and minimise the impact of issues.

Quay builds quality into your programs and projects through an effective assurance capability ensures that business outcomes do not get lost in the day-to-day delivery trade-offs that occur in any change initiative. This is achieved through well-timed and context-appropriate reviews of process and output quality.

An effective assurance framework protects your investment in programs and projects by ensuring that delivery is successful and benefits are realised.

An assurance framework for your organisation

Quay can help you design and set up an assurance framework based on industry best practice and tailored to your needs. We can also complement your existing Assurance function with highly experienced consultants on an “as needs” basis. In either case, our focus is upon developing your assurance capability so that you achieve success.

Evidence-based assessment

Depending on your circumstances, the type and focus of assurance review may include recommendations on fit-for-purpose governance and management controls, delivery approach, team composition and configuration, quality, change management approach, and benefits management.

Such reviews are informed by evidence-based assessments of where things tend to go wrong in practice and how potential problems are best addressed. Our assurance approach incorporates the best of both the P3M3 Standard and the PMBOK Knowledge Areas.

Quay’s assurance approach gives you the confidence of knowing you are on track.

Quay’s Assurance Practice assesses your projects and programs throughout the development cycle, firstly by configuring it for success then focusing on:

  • Health Checks – undertaken at key points during the program or project lifecycle
  • Stage Gate Reviews – undertaken when a program or project seeks approval to proceed to the next stage
  • Recovery – undertaken when a program or project is operating beyond acceptable schedule, budget or quality tolerances and assistance is needed to get it back on track
  • Post Implementation Reviews – undertaken after a program or project has delivered and focused on capturing lessons learned
  • Benefits Realisation Reviews – undertaken after a program or project has delivered and focused on ensuring that the right approaches and roles and responsibilities are in place to proactively harvest benefits.

We protect your investment in the programs and projects that implement your strategies and deliver your next generation of products and services. This results in less risk, higher quality processes and outputs, better-cost effectiveness, and increased certainty of achieving successful outcomes.

Work with Us on Assurance

Find out more about our Assurance capabilities.